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A Little About Me


Since I was a child, some of my most prized possessions have been books. In elementary school, it was my copy of Goosebumps: The Doll in the Garden, but you know I read every available Goosebumps book my school library had to offer. Then in middle and high school, reading was a way for me to be able to connect with the people around me. As someone who has a hard time opening up and going out of their way to build friendships, having these sort of informal book clubs where I could rave about a good plot or complain that I wish Alina had ended up with the Darkling and not Mal (who looking back was definitely the more sensible option) allowed me an easy opening to start conversations and keep a close circle of people who have the same interests as me. But, as I got older and people move and our lives went in separate directions, I found that circle of mine drift away and while we can still keep up with each other, it just doesn’t feel like the community it once was. That is what I hope to get out of starting this blog; a community welcoming of all ages who are interested in reading, and sometimes crafts, like myself and also an outlet for some of the thoughts I have rattling around. If that sounds like something that you would like, please stick around as I have lots of ideas to put to paper for you.